TV installation companies get to field many different questions from clients when they are taking care of TV installations. Today on our blog, TV installation companies are sharing the top 8 myths about the flat screen TV that they’ve come across while working with clients.
TV Installation Companies Share 8 Flat Screen TV Myths
1. LED and LCD TV’s Are the Same Thing
An LCD TV uses fluorescent lighting that is always behind the screen of the TV. An LED TV uses light-emitting diodes (rather than fluorescent lights) that can be either behind the TV screen or around the screen edges. LED’s are also generally more energy efficient and have thinner screens than LCD’s.
2. Flat Screen TV’s Emit Too Much Radiation
We’re not sure where this rumor started, but in order to be sold on the general market, TV technology must abide by stringent safety regulations (Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1020.10). This means that if you purchased your flat screen TV from any U.S. seller, that TV must have passed the necessary safety protocols.
3. Flat Screen TV’s Can Be Viewed From Any Angle
This is something that we’ve talked about before here at Suncoast Installs. The fact of the matter is that your flat screen TV can be viewed from a variety of angles, but those angles are limited by various factors including sun glare, angle, TV mounting height, and artificial lighting placement. Good TV installation companies will be able to help you mount your flat screen TV in an area with the maximum viewing angles available.
4. Flat Screen TV’s Can Be Mounted Anywhere!
Now hold your horses! Flat screen TV’s can be mounted on a variety of surfaces in a variety of locations, but there are definitely limits! These limits are set by a few things including safety (you won’t find someone to mount your TV over your pool!), TV type (you shouldn’t mount an indoor TV outdoors!), power accessibility (you will have a hard time mounting your flat screen at the bottom of the garden!), weight (some TV’s are just too heavy to mount safely), size (again, some TV’s are just too large to mount safely), and logistics (your 40″ TV just won’t fit in the door of your refrigerator.) If you are looking to have your TV mounted in an unusual or non-traditional location of your home, it’s always best to call ahead and ask your TV installation companies if they are able to complete this type of installation for you.
5. Flat Screen TV’s Aren’t As Durable
The durability of any piece of electronic equipment is largely dependent on the quality of the parts used in it. This means that any type of TV can be durable or non-durable depending on the type and location of parts a manufacturer uses. Additionally, how you treat your flat screen TV has a lot to do with its durability too! For example, someone who leaves their TV on 24-7 is going to find that they have to replace their unit much sooner than someone who watched TV for an hour a day. You can find out more about the durability of the TV you are considering by reading up on reviews and customer feedback before purchasing and by having professional TV installation companies do your installation for you!
6. Every Flat Screen TV is an HDTV
Although we are headed into an age where most of our televisions are HDTV’s, we aren’t there just yet. You will find that most of the newer model flat screen TV’s on the market are HDTV’s, but look at older models and you will find plenty that aren’t! Don’t assume that just because your TV has a flat screen that it’s a high definition television!
7. Flat Screen TV’s Are Difficult to Install
Any TV can be easy or difficult to install depending on who is doing the installation work and how much experience that person has. If, for example, you have no experience with construction, electrical repairs, or in the very least, home DIY, you will find mounting your flat screen TV on your living room wall to be an arduous task. If, however, you have experience with these types of jobs, you won’t find mounting your TV on the wall to be any more difficult than any other TV (although you will need an extra pair of hands!) That said, mounting any TV on the wall can be dangerous since you are working with electricity, heavy electronics, and anchoring heavy objects to a wall. If you have any doubts about the installation process, TV installation companies can help!
8. Bigger Flat Screens Are Always Better!
Whenever we hear this we tell our clients to walk into their local electronics store and stand in front of the TV wall. We then tell them to take a look at the difference in picture quality between all of the different TV’s. Some large TV’s will have a crystal clear picture where others will look a little less crisp. Some smaller TV’s will have the best picture of all and others will simply look “average”. The quality of a TV picture is not determined by the size of the screen, rather it is determined by the TV resolution and whether the TV is an HDTV.
Something else to consider when looking at large screen TV’s is the size of the room where you will be installing the TV. A 60″ TV might look incredible in a large living room, but if you try to put a 60″ flat screen TV in a tiny room, you are going to have a number of problems! Firstly, the picture will look awful because you are simply too close to the screen. Secondly, your neck and eyes will begin to hurt after a short period of watching TV. Thirdly, the sound system you install will likely be too much for the smaller room and cause your sound quality to be “off”.
So no, bigger screens aren’t always better!
Looking For Trustworthy TV Installation Companies in West Florida?
If you’re on the lookout for trustworthy TV installation companies in West Florida to install your flat screen TV, Suncoast Installs can help! Just give us a call today at 727-480-8358 and ask how we can help you!